0800-046-5242 | Contact for Acer Laptop and Driver Helpline
Asus Contact Number
As providing services for Acer in the United Kingdom we have analysized different patterns of problems which customers face. Whenever a new thing happen like lauching of new Operating system, games series part or new software people just start running toward it without asking themselve that why do they need new operating system if they are comfortable with current Windows version. Due to this human nature of trying new things often trouble people a lot. By installing a new software in their computer without knowing much about it can cause problem to them. As we have software developers also in our team we all know that whenever a new software or operating system lauched there were always some bugs generally known as errors were left in software while developing. This bugs or error are resolved later by analysing customers complaints and are removed in updates of those softwares. So our expert always recommend that dont use new software or operating system just after its lauch. Take some time while developer make it more safe, secure and bugs free.
As a team of experts having people from different backgrounds like developer, software, hardware, networking etc we are able to resolve most of the problem. We know that a single person cant handle most of the problem alone. Thats the reason we hired a team of experts from all field related to computer.
Tips and Tricks
We have some tips for our customers related to computer usage which are :-
- Dont put your laptop in sleep mode for more than 10 minutes, it will be good if you Shut it down. By switching it off you will save battery life. Acer Laptop Solution
- Restart your computer in every 3-4 hours. Whenever you take water break or any kind of break put your system on restart. This will make you save your files more often and your computer speed will remain fast.
- Turn off your computer Windows auto update. If your computer is on Auto update then it can start updating itself in situation when you need it more like in confrence, meeting etc
- If your computer is not in warranty or it have covered its warrenty time period then you should clean it internally in every 6 months. If you are not technically effiecent then you should go to nearby service station for your device serviceing.
- Never install softwares which are not neccessary as they may have some harmfull virus in them.
- Never install pirated software or operating system in computer. Pirated software may also have virus and malware in it. And you can not ask for help to microsoft if your are having pirated operating system in your computer. By using pirated software or operating sysem you can save some money but if something like virus attack etc happen then it will cost more than amount of software by which you could have avoid it.
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