
Showing posts from September, 2018

What cause Memory injure?

·          control surges can injure most computer components, including RAM. You ought to plug your computer and other classy electronics into a surge guardian. Make positive you know the difference between a surge protector and a power strip. ·          previous to you handle any parts in your computer, build sure you ground yourself by touching a piece of grounded metal to discharge static electricity. Electrostatic release can damage your computer. Acer Support ·          extreme heat can cause RAM and other parts to wear out over time. entity components can overheat, or heat from one component can cause damage to adjacent parts. ·          If you have overclocked some part of your computer wrongly, it may cause damage in the form of excess heat. ·          Your recall module may have some fault that passed through quality control and worsened over time. This is the the majority likely cause behind a damaged RAM. It is also probable that the memory module is fine, but

symptom of a RAM trouble

·          while you first turn on your computer it runs fine, but as you go about your business you notice that its performance diminishes. via lunch time, websites take minutes to load and local programs run at a snail's pace. This kind of gradual deterioration of PC performance, especially with memory-intensive programs, may be caused by a RAM problem. ·          Your computer randomly restarts while you are in the middle of amazing or freeze sporadically. It may also reboot almost right away upon opening the desktop. This could be a sign of faulty RAM. ·          A blue display with white text flashes before restarting. Blue- display error are annoying because you don't even have a chance to read the error message. Bad RAM is one thing that cause them. ·          Files—particularly ones you frequently right to use and save—seem to be inexplicably corrupted. collide with issue can lead to this problem, which can worsen over time. The file structure of your hard driv

laptop work but blank screen

Try hooking up an external monitor, if peripheral monitor works probable laptop display issue, damage driver, bad bond on ribbon cable, bad display. If outside check not working could be graphics card issue. beneath link tells how to hook up external monitor to help problem shoot your laptop, the 3rd link and other Acer forums on the net, addressing Blank/black screen talk about the Bios become corrupt and needing addressed. Good luck. I trust this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button. Acer Support

Canon Printer Drivers - How to Get Canon Drivers Quickly and Easily

If you've recently purchased a new computer and are having trouble printing documents to your Canon printer, or the printer simply is no longer recognized by your machine, then you are likely experiencing an out-of-date or corrupted Canon printer driver. Usually, a simple uninstall and reinstall of the software that came with your printer should rectify the problem. Sometimes, we misplace those discs after not needing them for years, or our new machine has technologically surpassed the printer and it simply needs to be refreshed via an updated driver. Canon printer drivers are just like any other device drivers. They are a group of files that enable your hardware or accessories, in this case your printer, to interact with the inner workings of your computer. In a sense, a driver is a translator for your PC. Without an updated driver for your Canon printer, it simply will not work. In addition, it can cause other problems with your PC as well. Each time you press the print button